DCF 1.0
Videocracy is a division of OnYourMark, LLC, A Fine Family of Companies. We are strong enough and deep enough in design, production, programming, hosting and Internet marketing that we offer these services to other firms – even our competition.
This site is designed to provide information to help prospective and current online marketers and fellow service providers deal with the most sophisticated aspects of video, audio, and still image needs. Our staff is proficient in a wide variety of mediums and techniques. We use the most robust platform (*nix/Apache) available for web serving, though we are familiar with many others.
There are three things to look for in a web presence provider: Technology, Graphics and Marketing. Our team provides all three.
Videocracy is comprised of internet experts, who are able to take you to the next level and keep you on top of the changes in technology, web developers who make you look like the kind of company people want to deal with, and marketing professionals who’ll make sure your website is a dynamic, productive part of your marketing mix. Our staff is a blend of youth and experience – providing cutting edge knowledge and old-fashioned wisdom. We are deep in leadership, just like any good team should be.
Please contact us with any questions or suggestions. We welcome your inquiry!